Proxies for OpenVPN
In a world where data is fast becoming a global currency, privacy has become a non-debatable necessity for most online users. Over the years, online privacy has become a source of great concern. Why? Selling user data has become a booming business on the dark web, a factor that leaves individual data at significant risk. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to ensure that your data is well protected when surfing the web. For most people, online privacy is not a significant area of concern. This may seem like a nonsignificant issue. However, if you make a mental list of how much personal data you are ready to share with strangers, the true magnitude of online privacy will dawn on you. Hence, you should be extra careful when using online resources to safeguard your data. With this in mind, there are several tools you can employ to protect your data online. VPNs have become very popular in recent years, providing internet users a way to protect their privacy and surf the web without worrying about tracking. A quick internet search will reveal several VPN tools you can sign up for and use to protect yourself on the internet. Truth be told, of all the VPN solutions available today, only a few are more popular than OpenVPN. This post will dive into OpenVPN and show you the reasons why combining this tool with proxies is a great way to reach its full potential.
Types of Proxies
Unlimited Traffic
99.9% Uptime
Premium ISP Providers
Not Shared
SOCKS5 Supported
Most Popular
Rotating Residential
195 Countries Available
Traffic Never Expires
SOCKS5 Supported
City/State Targeting
Flexible Rotation
Unlimited Traffic
99.9% Uptime
Not Shared
40+ Locations
SOCKS5 Supported
Unlimited Bandwidth
2.5M+ Residential IPs
Auto-Rotate Toggle
API Access
5G/4G/3G support
Want to know most important points about Proxies for OpenVPN?
There are several reasons why you need proxies to utilize the full benefits of this privacy protection software. Before we get into details, let’s have a look at OpenVPN.
What are proxies in OpenVPN?
Proxies are used to change your IP address while using OpenVPN to provide maximum security when surfing the web.
How do I add proxies to OpenVPN?
Find and open the .ovpn configuration file. Add the proxy you want to use below the "remote [VPN IP address] [VPN port]" in the following format:
http-proxy [IP address] [port] credentials.txt
Replace the "[IP address] and "[port]" with the information you got from your proxy provider. Create the "credentials.txt" file in the same folder your .ovpn file is, with your proxy username and password in two separate lines.
Note that these instructions work only with VPNs that use the TCP protocol (with "proto tcp" in the .ovpn configuration file).