IPRoyal G2 reviews

Sneaker Proxies: Cop the Drop

  • Automate online shopping
  • Proxy pool for multiple customer profiles
  • Global access to merchandise
  • Cut the line and buy first
  • Compatible with most retail sites
  • Buy and resell to maximize gains

Sneaker Proxies: Cop the Drop
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Sneaker Proxy Features

  • Global location coverage

    Sneaker proxies provide users with location targeting features, allowing them to get IPs from nearly anywhere.

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

    The best sneaker proxies do not limit concurrent sessions but allow users to run as many bots as they need.

  • Private proxies

    No sneaker proxy IPs are shared between users, allowing you to get maximum performance.

  • Fair pricing

    You only pay for as many sneaker proxies as you need for as long as you need.

  • High uptime

    Sneaker proxies must always be available during sneaker releases—99.9% uptime means you won't miss the drop.

  • Picked for performance

    Make sure your sneaker proxy IP pool is carefully selected and tested to provide the best performance possible.

Sneaker Proxy Locations

Many fashionable sneaker brands launch in specific geographical locations and are not available globally. That's why having dozens of sneaker locations ensures that you can get the desired sneaker pairs with the rest of the world. Keep in mind that you will likely have to deal with the local delivery address. Once you sort that out, you can buy sneakers in the most popular locations like the United States, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Spain, and many more.

How Are Sneaker Proxies Different From Other Types?

Unlimited Opportunities

The best sneaker proxies do not place any restrictions on proxy usage. They allow the creation of unlimited connections and run as many bots as you require from multiple IP addresses. They should also support unlimited bandwidth so that you can target numerous retail sites during sneaker drops without worrying about running out of traffic.

Higher Success Rate

Some proxies are optimized for private browsing, others for unrestricted internet access. Sneaker proxies excel at high success rates because they must ensure you can place your orders within a short timeframe. That's why they should have a 99.9% uptime but also be tailored to the most popular retail websites.

Budget-friendly Scaling

Sneaker proxies can handle as much traffic and concurrent connections as you need. This scalability is essential for efficient copping, especially for popular releases where high demand is expected. Your copping efforts can grow, but your proxy bills will always remain the same.

Bot Compatibility

Integrating sneaker proxies shouldn't be difficult. If you choose a reliable sneaker proxy service, all you'll need to do is add IPs to your sneaker bot, and it'll mimic as many unique buyer profiles as you require to buy sneakers in large volumes.


What are sneaker proxies?

Sneaker proxies are used to cop sneakers from various websites. Depending on the provider, sneaker proxies can be optimized datacenter or residential proxies. Some providers also use ISP proxies, which are the most effective for any activity as they combine the benefits of datacenter and residential proxies into one package.

Additionally, sneaker proxies are often tested for bot compatibility and sneaker website performance. Since copping is a speed-reliant activity, providers have to ensure that their sneaker proxies aren’t blocked or throttled on specific websites.

What proxies are best for sneaker copping?

Residential and datacenter proxies each have their own advantages for sneaker copping. To up your chances of success, a rotating proxy is usually your best bet. The most important thing is that your proxy is compatible with the sneaker bot you use.

Need help picking the right sneaker proxy for your particular needs? Try searching for sneaker proxy online reviews or joining dedicated channels on social networks. The sneaker proxy market has an engaged community, and you will likely get help on the best sneaker proxies at that moment.

How many proxies do I need for a sneaker bot?

A general recommendation is to use a ratio of 1:1 of proxies to tasks. So, if your intention is to run 100 tasks simultaneously on sneaker sites, you’d need a proxy pool of 100. These can be any of any type—you can use a residential proxy pool, a datacenter proxy pool, or any other.

Can I use the same proxy on 2 different shoe sites?

It depends. Some websites belong to the same network of companies, so even if you use a residential proxy, they may be able to see that you’re trying to place orders across all sites at once. Since residential proxies usually come with a lot of IP addresses, it’s better to be on the safe side and use a different one for each site.