The Most Reliable Brazil Proxies at Your Fingertips
At IPRoyal, we offer 908,824 Brazil proxies for enterprises and home users. Brazil is the biggest country in South America, with a population of 212 million. It's a region of vast investment opportunities, rich culture, and unique streaming content. We aim to provide proxy services for Brazil that will satisfy any client's needs.
With high customization, great scalability, and top-of-the-line security features, our proxies can be used by tech pros and casual internet users alike. We offer datacenter, residential, private, 4G mobile, and sneaker proxies. You can use them combined with our Firefox and Chrome proxy managers for the best experience in the proxy industry.
Types of Proxies
Unlimited Traffic
99.9% Uptime
Premium ISP Providers
Not Shared
SOCKS5 Supported
Most popular
Rotating Residential
195 Countries Available
Traffic Never Expires
SOCKS5 Supported
City/State Targeting
Flexible Rotation
Unlimited Traffic
99.9% Uptime
Not Shared
40+ Locations
SOCKS5 Supported
Unlimited Bandwidth
2.5M+ Residential IPs
Auto-Rotate Toggle
API Access
5G/4G/3G support
Proxies by city in Brazil
- Sao Luis do Paraitinga
- Guaraci
- Bananal
- Rincao
- Bofete
- Sao Bento do Sapucai
- Pedro de Toledo
- General Salgado
- Estiva Gerbi
- Iacanga
- Parapua
- Areiopolis
- Pirangi
- Getulina
- Nhandeara
- Caracarai
- Sales Oliveira
- Divinolandia
- Rinopolis
- Guaicara
- Bocaina
- Ibira
- Cajobi
- Roseira
- Tabapua
- Nova Europa
- Palestina
- Lavinia
- Alvorada
- Palmares Paulista
- Sao Sebastiao da Grama
- Cortes
- Xavantes
- Taguai
- Duartina
- Cananeia
- Avanhandava
- Mineiros do Tiete
- Joanopolis
- Maracai
- Brejo do Cruz
- Pacaembu
- Patrocinio Paulista
- Ribeirao Bonito
- Morungaba
- Piquete
- Piratininga
- Tapiratiba
- Taruma
- Sete Barras
- Serra Azul
- Pinhalzinho
- Boa Esperanca do Sul
- Luis Antonio
- Itapui
- Santa Branca
- Ipaucu
- Presidente Bernardes
- Quata
- Barcelos
- Altinopolis
- Auriflama
- Triunfo
- Pindorama
- Santa Adelia
- Tupi Paulista
- Itajobi
- Bady Bassitt
- Sao Lourenco da Serra
- Pedregulho
- Charqueada
- Eldorado
- Buritama
- Salesopolis
- Potirendaba
- Itariri
- Severinia
- Ipua
- Borborema
- Guarei
- Macatuba
- Itirapina
- Elias Fausto
- Cesario Lange
- Tabatinga
- Tocantins
- Fonte Boa
- Fartura
- Conchas
- Cafelandia
- Ribeirao Branco
- Pirapora do Bom Jesus
- Nazare Paulista
- Jacupiranga
- Guapiara
- Mirante do Paranapanema
- Itabera
- Paraibuna
- Colina
- Caconde
- Cerqueira Cesar
- Aguas de Lindoia
- Engenheiro Coelho
- Juquia
- Monte Azul Paulista
- Paranapanema
- Pariquera-Acu
- Capela do Alto
- Regente Feijo
- Castilho
- Pradopolis
- Junqueiropolis
- Guapiacu
- Aracariguama
- Miracatu
- Nova Granada
- Pacatu
- Colorado
- Guara
- Santo Antonio de Posse
- Santo Anastacio
- Manicore
- Iracemapolis
- Bastos
- Lucelia
- Espera Feliz
- Pompeia
- Oros
- Quarai
- Santa Cruz Cabralia
- Bom Jesus dos Perdoes
- Taquarituba
- Tambau
- Miguelopolis
- Brotas
- Cordeiropolis
- Brodosqui
- Aracuai
- Maracaju
- Palmital
- Cunha
- Monte Aprazivel
- Angatuba
- Oiapoque
- Pirajui
- Alvares Machado
- Igaracu do Tiete
- Brasileia
- Santa Gertrudes
- Dois Corregos
- Pirapozinho
- Cajuru
- Piracaia
- Apiai
- Guanhaes
- Tanabi
- Aripuana
- Pereira Barreto
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo
- Colider
- Conchal
- Itai
- Laranjal Paulista
- Santa Rita do Passa Quatro
- Sena Madureira
- Jarinu
- Ilha Solteira
- Jaguarao
- Osvaldo Cruz
- Pilar do Sul
- Serra Negra
- Guararema
- Sao Miguel Arcanjo
- Santa Cruz das Palmeiras
- Descalvado
- Canavieiras
- Mirandopolis
- Cajati
- Ipero
- Ibate
- Bariri
- Cravinhos
- Igarapava
- Rancharia
- Piraju
- Casa Branca
- Aguai
- Soledade
- Adamantina
- Iguape
- Jose Bonifacio
- Juquitiba
- Candido Mota
- Pontes e Lacerda
- Biritiba-Mirim
- Barra Bonita
- Agudos
- Santa Fe do Sul
- Aracoiaba da Serra
- Barrinha
- Jacareacanga
- Morro Agudo
- Guaira
- Grajau
- Ilhabela
- Cachoeira Paulista
- Guararapes
- Visconde do Rio Branco
- Acu
- Pitangueiras
- Americo Brasiliense
- Guariba
- Promissao
- Presidente Venceslau
- Socorro
- Novo Horizonte
- Tiete
- Sao Manuel
- Jardinopolis
- Salinopolis
- Aquidauana
- Alta Floresta
- Chapadinha
- Itapolis
- Orlandia
- Presidente Epitacio
- Canoinhas
- Salto de Pirapora
- Pinhal
- Castro
- Garca
- Louveira
- Paraguacu Paulista
- Pederneiras
- Cerquilho Velho
- Imbituba
- Dracena
- Pontal
- Mairinque
- Cabreuva
- Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo
- Irati
- Capao Bonito
- Rio Grande da Serra
- Jales
- Sao Joaquim da Barra
- Itarare
- Campos do Jordao
- Jaguariuna
- Tefe
- Porto Feliz
- Mongagua
- Olimpia
- Capivari
- Itupeva
- Sao Jose do Rio Pardo
- Porto Ferreira
- Camaqua
- Monte Mor
- Boituva
- Registro
- Taquaritinga
- Bertioga
- Nova Vicosa
- Cruzeiro do Sul
- Andradina
- Nova Odessa
- Ibitinga
- Mirassol
- Batatais
- Carazinho
- Penapolis
- Cruz Alta
- Ji-Parana
- Tupa
- Lencois Paulista
- Sao Sebastiao
- Cosmopolis
- Rio Negro
- Santana do Livramento
- Embu-Guacu
- Aruja
- Fernandopolis
- Mococa
- Catalao
- Ubatuba
- Nova Lima
- Guajara-Mirim
- Sao Joao da Boa Vista
- Mogi Mirim
- Votuporanga
- Cacapava
- Itaituba
- Tres Coracoes
- Itapira
- Vinhedo
- Piracununga
- Arapongas
- Tubarao
- Ituiutaba
- Paulinia
- Leme
- Lins
- Jabuticabal
- Ibiuna
- Bebedouro
- Matao
- Campo Limpo
- Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira
- Pedreiras
- Ceres
- Campo Maior
- Osorio
- Bocaiuva
- Capitao Poco
- Jacarezinho
- Morrinhos
- Sao Francisco do Sul
- Januaria
- Cristalina
- Maues
- Barras
- Rosario do Sul
- Barreiros
- Oriximina
- Paracuru
- Coroata
- Joacaba
- Laguna
- Itapecuru Mirim
- Baturite
- Jardim
- Itupiranga
- Xique-Xique
- Remanso
- Eirunepe
- Nanuque
- Diamantina
- Viseu
- Apodi
- Mineiros
- Rolim de Moura
- Jaguaquara
- Itaberai
- Pinheiro
- Russas
- Palmeira dos Indios
- Penedo
- Ararangua
- Frutal
- Salgueiro
- Itambe
- Santa Maria da Vitoria
- Pires do Rio
- Lapa
- Inhumas
- Sao Lourenco do Sul
- Pimenta Bueno
- Caninde
- Piripiri
- Brumado
- Goianesia
- Bom Jesus da Lapa
- Guaxupe
- Granja
- Camocim
- Capanema
- Colinas
- Itamaraju
- Nova Cruz
- Portel
- Floriano
- Campo Belo
- Cameta
- Conceicao do Araguaia
- Leopoldina
- Aracati
- Santa Vitoria do Palmar
- Ipu
- Miracema
- Viana
- Barra do Corda
- Ipora
- Alenquer
- Breves
- Senhor do Bonfim
- Itaberaba
- Niquelandia
- Acarau
- Quixada
- Barra do Garcas
- Ponte Nova
- Rio Verde
- Araguaina
- Obidos
- Itacoatiara
- Presidente Dutra
- Iturama
- Sao Luis Gonzaga
- Ubaitaba
- Santa Cruz
- Barra do Bugres
- Coari
- Crateus
- Ico
- Concordia
- Tucano
- Formiga
- Almenara
- Serrinha
- Estancia
- Arcoverde
- Itapipoca
- Paranaiba
- Vacaria
- Sao Gabriel
- Sao Jose de Ribamar
- Janauba
- Guanambi
- Ariquemes
- Caico
- Telemaco Borba
- Santa Rosa
- Sao Borja
- Canela
- Pirapora
- Braganca
- Vilhena
- Caratinga
- Gurupi
- Picos
- Cacador
- Timbauba
- Curvelo
- Manacapuru
- Itapetinga
- Valenca
- Santa Ines
- Santo Angelo
- Itapeva
- Balsas
- Porto Uniao
- Irece
- Parintins
- Ijui
- Paracatu
- Bacabal
- Cachoeira do Sul
- Campo Mourao
- Sao Joao del Rei
- Iguatu
- Tres Lagoas
- Jatai
- Altamira
- Sao Mateus
- Goiana
- Itauna
- Itumbiara
- Tucurui
- Formosa
- Lavras
- Avare
- Codo
- Caceres
- Paulo Afonso
- Abaetetuba
- Santana
- Itanhaem
- Brusque
- Muriae
- Ponta Pora
- Bento Goncalves
- Erechim
- Mairipora
- Patos
- Trindade
- Santo Antonio de Jesus
- Assis
- Araxa
- Passos
- Sertaozinho
- Conselheiro Lafaiete
- Poa
- Corumba
- Varzea Paulista
- Bage
- Valinhos
- Apucarana
- Ribeirao Pires
- Ourinhos
- Juazeiro
- Birigui
- Barretos
- Santa Cruz do Sul
- Guaratingueta
- Teofilo Otoni
- Pouso Alegre
- Jandira
- Uruguaiana
- Resende
- Linhares
- Catanduva
- Barbacena
- Itatiba
- Uba
- Caraguatatuba
- Salto
- Santana de Parnaiba
- Garanhuns
- Cubatao
- Araras
- Alagoinhas
- Porto Seguro
- Araguari
- Tatui
- Jaragua do Sul
- Atibaia
- Caxias
- Jequie
- Botucatu
- Castanhal
- Jau
- Parnaiba
- Franco da Rocha
- Francisco Morato
- Paranagua
- Mogi Guacu
- Carpina
- Barra Mansa
- Patos de Minas
- Pocos de Caldas
- Guarapuava
- Macae
- Nova Friburgo
- Passo Fundo
- Lajes
- Rondonopolis
- Santo Agostinho
- Cabo Frio
- Santa Barbara d’Oeste
- Braganca Paulista
- Pindamonhangaba
- Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
- Rio Grande
- Ferraz de Vasconcelos
- Arapiraca
- Aracatuba
- Chapeco
- Barreiras
- Itapetininga
- Dourados
- Itu
- Rio Largo
- Sobral
- Itapecerica da Serra
- Sao Caetano do Sul
- Rio Claro
- Divinopolis
- Sete Lagoas
- Mossoro
- Timon
- Criciuma
- Hortolandia
- Imperatriz
- Presidente Prudente
- Itapevi
- Jacarei
- Araraquara
- Cotia
- Marilia
- Indaiatuba
- Itabuna
- Santarem
- Sao Carlos
- Ilheus
- Juazeiro do Norte
- Caruaru
- Varzea Grande
- Foz do Iguacu
- Santa Maria
- Barueri
- Cascavel
- Governador Valadares
- Maraba
- Petrolina
- Sumare
- Palmas
- Crato
- Taboao da Serra
- Limeira
- Ponta Grossa
- Petropolis
- Taubate
- Praia Grande
- Blumenau
- Porto Velho
- Vitoria da Conquista
- Guaruja
- Uberaba
- Itajai
- Boa Vista
- Maringa
- Pelotas
- Franca
- Piracicaba
- Sao Vicente
- Itaquaquecetuba
- Montes Claros
- Bauru
- Anapolis
- Rio Branco
- Caxias do Sul
- Campos
- Jundiai
- Campina Grande
- Carapicuiba
- Ipatinga
- Mogi das Cruzes
- Santos
- Diadema
- Sao Jose do Rio Preto
- Maua
- Volta Redonda
- Macapa
- Americana
- Florianopolis
- Juiz de Fora
- Feira de Santana
- Niteroi
- Londrina
- Cuiaba
- Uberlandia
- Canoas
- Sorocaba
- Sao Jose dos Pinhais
- Ribeirao Preto
- Aracaju
- Sao Jose dos Campos
- Santo Andre
- Jaboatao
- Osasco
- Joao Pessoa
- Sao Bernardo do Campo
- Teresina
- Iguacu
- Novo Hamburgo
- Campo Grande
- Olinda
- Natal
- Joinvile
- Maceio
- Sao Luis
- Campinas
- Vila Velha
- Guarulhos
- Goiania
- Belem
- Porto Alegre
- Recife
- Vitoria
- Manaus
- Curitiba
- Fortaleza
- Salvador
- Brasilia
- Belo Horizonte
- Rio de Janeiro
- Sao Paulo
Why Use A Brazil Proxy Server?
Online security and privacy are of utmost importance when doing business in Brazil's online market. Below we have listed the six most popular scenarios for using a proxy in this region. Here's how you can benefit from a Brazil IP address:
Increased privacy
Brazil took a significant step toward online surveillance during the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. User data is a valuable commodity nowadays, and many people turn to proxy services to hide their original IP address and prevent tracking. You can use IPRoyal’s reliable Brazil proxies to change your IP address and strengthen your online privacy protection.
Data scraping
Huge Brazil’s online market is inviting new investors with endless possibilities but beware of the competition. It’s best to come prepared and use a proxy service to scrape market data before making any decisions. This way, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful investment and maximize profits.
Content administration
Proxy service is an excellent way to control your network’s traffic. Business owners use proxy services to restrict employee access to certain websites, like browser games or chat rooms. Moreover, home users limit what their children can access online.
Social media management
Brazil counts over 160 million social network users, and reaching them can be a game-changer for your growing business. Use IPRoyal premium Brazil proxies to create and manage multiple social media accounts, and we’ll ensure you get high speeds, privacy, and a 99.9% uptime for the most comfortable proxy experience.
Unrestricted content
Brazil has one of the most extensive Netflix libraries in South America. Nevertheless, a lot of streaming content is restricted to that region only. You can bypass geographical restrictions and enjoy their unique content by picking an IP address from our Brazil proxy pool. Check out our residential proxy plans if you want to access local Brazil’s streaming content.
Market analysis
Consumer goods prices vary significantly from region to region. Tech-savvy internet users utilize proxy services to get local prices and pick the cheapest one. Brazilian proxy service is a great way to scout their market and compare their prices to other regions. With a good proxy service, you can actually start saving money!
Who Can Take Advantage of Brazil Proxies?
Brazil is so big that everyone can find how to benefit from a proxy service in one way or another. For example, you can use a Brazilian IP address to get cheaper plane tickets or hotel prices. And if you’re traveling there, connect to our private proxy server to hide your IP address and encrypt your data. Additional encryption might save you from a potential cyberattack.
At the same time, business owners can use proxies to track SEO trends, scrape the Brazilian online market, create multiple social media accounts, prevent frauds, and verify ad campaigns. Depending on your business needs, check out IPRoyal datacenter, residential, and 4G mobile proxies, which all have different advantages for different operations.
Why You Should NOT Use a Free Brazil Proxy
Free proxies are never a good idea, but they’re a terrible one when it comes to Brazil. In 2021, Brazil was among the top four countries to suffer ransomware attacks. Pay close attention if you plan on doing business there because ransomware gangs tend to target unprotected online businesses and encrypt their data. Then they ask for a massive ransom, which could cripple a growing business. Free proxies lack proper cybersecurity measurements, so they naturally become a frequent target for cybercriminals. If you use a reputable paid proxy service provider, you can be sure that additional cybersecurity features will protect your data, and the proxy server won’t leak your confidential information online.
Use the Fastest Brazil Proxy Addresses
With incredible customization options and scalability, our proxies are designed to provide the best service in regions as big as Brazil. We guarantee excellent success rates while protecting your online operations from unwanted attention. We offer six types of proxies and Firefox and Chrome proxy managers to make your job easier. Proxies open up new possibilities for growing businesses to expand, so if that interests you, feel free to contact us and discuss the best plan for you!
Try our best Brazil IP Addresses
Our Brazilian proxy network is fast, reliable, and easy to use. Whether you want to scrape data from the most challenging sites or simply unlock geographically restricted content, you will find it’s effortless with our services. Our residential IP addresses come from real users, so you can be sure you will not get blocked or banned for using them. Moreover, we are tirelessly adding new servers to maintain the best speed regardless of your bandwidth needs. Gathering information by hand is a thing of the past, and if you really want to compete in a market as big as Brazil’s, you’ll need a professional proxy service provider.
Use Cases in Brazil
What is a proxy?
Simply put, a proxy is a device connected to the internet with its own IP address. It works as an intermediary between you and the rest of the internet. A proxy handles all your requests and keeps your IP concealed while providing various other useful functions along with privacy and security benefits depending on your needs.
How to use Brazil proxy?
A proxy server doesn’t just keep your private information safe. Brazil proxies feature all sorts of options for different types of users. Companies can benefit from anonymous data scraping, global ad verification, and improved corporate privacy. Home users have the option to restrict access to specific content types and enjoy better deals on goods and services online.
What is an SSL/HTTPs proxy?
SSL proxies are a transparent proxy type that enforces Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and decryption of traffic between clients and servers. Both the server and the client are unable to detect its presence. HTTPs proxies ensure communication between the client and the server with end-to-end security by establishing a secure channel for requests and returning information.
What is a residential proxy?
A residential proxy uses an IP address assigned to a device by an internet service provider (ISP) along with its physical location. A residential proxy replaces your IP address with its own, hiding your identity online and maintaining your anonymity. They’re a perfect choice for web scraping, ad verification, and other scenarios where preserving your anonymity is a must.